Friday, August 21, 2020

Film Analysis Crash Essay Example For Students

Film Analysis Crash Essay 1. The significant topics of this film were the scope of partialities, for example, race, class, and others that we experience, all things considered, regardless of whether we don't understand it. These topics identify with recognition and character in light of the fact that through all the situations in this film, it shows the impact of various races and classes that help change their observation and their personality. Despite the fact that, an individual gets oneself as not cliché or a bigot, at long last it’s inconceivable for them not to be on the grounds that it’s in our temperament. For instance, when Officer Hansen (Matt Dillon’s accomplice) needed to get another accomplice since his accomplice was supremacist and not his model of a cop but rather towards the end, he indicated his bigot demeanor with Ludacris’ companion when he accepted that he was going to remove a weapon from his pocket. He profiled Ludacris’ companion since he resisted the entirety of his generalizations for blacks, which was not tuning in to Country music or enjoying ice hockey. In this manner, he made a decision about him and accepted that he had a firearm. Along these lines, it just shows that despite the fact that we attempt to not be bigot or follow generalizations, we despite everything discover ourselves doing it. . I feel that character and discernment are connected on the grounds that ordinary we are reliably changing our personality truly, inwardly, and intellectually. We experience various circumstances for the duration of the day that help shape our personali ty and change how we think or see things. Regular is a learning experience, which in this manner we are not a similar individual as we are the day preceding. The significant characters that changed their discernment and personality were Sandra Bullock, Ludacris, and Matt Dillon. - Sandra Bullock: In the film, Sandra Bullock was the most bigot character. She generalized a large number of the characters that were minorities, for example, Ludacris, her housemaid and the Mexican locksmith. At the point when she experienced Ludacris, she strolled nearer to her better half reasoning that Ludacris was going to grab her sack or assault her. Albeit, incidentally Ludacris stole their vehicle, she despite everything accepted that he was a criminal because of his skin shading regardless of whether they were in a wealthy zone of LA. With her housemaid, she was continually attempting to discover some kind of problem with her tasks, for example, the dish products that weren’t put in the cupboard. With the Mexican locksmith, she accepted that he was a criminal since he appeared as though he came directly out of jail with his bare head, droopy pants, and a tattoo on the rear of his neck. Accordingly, she revealed to her significant other that she needed the locks changed by and by on the grounds that she didn’t trust the locksmith fellow and thought he was going to give the extra keys to his group individuals. In any case, towards the finish of the film when she tumbled off the steps, she called every one of her companions to deal with her or to at any rate visit her to check in the event that she was alright yet none of them did in light of the fact that they were too â€Å"busy. While, her housemaid was there close by taking care of her needs. In this way, she understood that her model as a genuine companions wasn’t really precise in light of the fact that the main companion that has been close by the entire time was her housemaid who she abused on different oc casions. Ludacris In the film, Ludacris and his companion were continually wandering around princely zones of LA to take vehicles so as to gain a living. He spoke to the character content that blacks were assume to go about as hoodlums. At the point when he was going to take the vehicle from Terrence Howard, he was astonished to see a dark man behind the wheels on the grounds that generally it would be a white individual. His anticipation was abused. At that point, his impression of himself changed when Terrence Howard said â€Å"You humiliate me and you humiliate yourself. † That maxim was an immediate definition since it marked his conduct. Since Terrence was a dark person who got fruitful, he filled in as a good example for Ludacris to break the generalization that blacks were crooks. .u6f1f27665baa1e848cae708a49a565c9 , .u6f1f27665baa1e848cae708a49a565c9 .postImageUrl , .u6f1f27665baa1e848cae708a49a565c9 .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u6f1f27665baa1e848cae708a49a565c9 , .u6f1f27665baa1e848cae708a49a565c9:hover , .u6f1f27665baa1e848cae708a49a565c9:visited , .u6f1f27665baa1e848cae708a49a565c9:active { border:0!important; } .u6f1f27665baa1e848cae708a49a565c9 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u6f1f27665baa1e848cae708a49a565c9 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u6f1f27665baa1e848cae708a49a565c9:active , .u6f1f27665baa1e848cae708a49a565c9:hover { obscurity: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u6f1f27665baa1e848cae708a49a565c9 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .u6f1f27665baa1e848cae708a49a565c9 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content improvement: underline; } .u6f1f27665baa1e848cae708a49a565c9 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u6f1f27665baa1e848cae708a49a565c9 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content embellishment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6f1f27665baa1e848cae708a49a565c9:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u6f1f27 665baa1e848cae708a49a565c9 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u6f1f27665baa1e848cae708a49a565c9-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u6f1f27665baa1e848cae708a49a565c9:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Analysis Of Rembrandt EssayTherefore, from that point forward, Ludacris found in himself that he could change into something better and modify how individuals consider him in a positive manner. He encountered an unavoidable outcome when he needed to conclude whether to offer the Asian individuals in the van to the seller for cash or to carry out something worth being thankful for and assist them with getting to a decent spot. In result, he decided to carry out something to be thankful for and helped the Asian individuals and gave them cash to get some food. Matt Dillon In this film, he was a cop that detested minorities s ince they were the motivation behind why his dad lost his employment. Because of his contempt, he abused minorities particularly African Americans. He pulled over a vehicle that resembled the taken vehicle that was accounted for to him however he realized that it wasn’t that vehicle as a result of the tag yet he saw that there was a dark man. He made both the dark man and his better half advance out of the vehicle and he beginning to search the lady in a rude way. It was his method of rendering retribution for what befell his dad. Yet, in the scene where the lady he disregarded was in an auto crash, he didn’t delay to protect her in any event, when he realized his life was in peril also. At that point, his view of minorities was fairly changed on the grounds that he understood that were still individuals and that not every one of them had the right to be accused for what befallen his father. 3. A circumstance where there were contrasts as far as recognition was the scene when the young lady got shot. Each character in that scene had an alternate procedure of choosing, sorting out, and deciphering the situation. - Little young lady: The young lady saw a man guiding a weapon toward her father, which stressed her since she recollected that the undetectable shroud was with her and not him. Accordingly, she rushed to her father to ensure him. It never entered her thoughts that she would get shot since she thought the shroud had genuine forces. Toward the finish of the scene, she revealed to her father that the shroud works and was amazing. - Mexican locksmith/The Dad: The locksmith was centered around the person with the firearm. He was attempting to reason out with the man attempting to give back his cash or settle an arrangement. Out of sight, he could hear his little girl getting out for him and when she hurried to him, he touched her and heard the sound of a firearm fired. In his psyche, he thought his little girl was shot and dead until she began to talk. This is a case of anticipation infringement hypothesis. - The man with the weapon: The man with the firearm was centered around the locksmith fellow who he thought was the purpose behind why his store was crushed. At the point when he pulled the trigger, he understood that he shot the young lady before him and that he murdered her however once the young lady talked, he said that there was a holy messenger watching him. In any case, he didn’t understand that the blessed messenger was his own girl who filled the firearm with clear projectiles. The mother of the young lady: The mother of the young lady was washing dishes when the scene between her significant other and the man was going on. Her little girl was hollering for her mother to investigate yet the mother was excessively centered around the dishes and revealed to her little girl to remain inside. In any case, when the young lady ran out, her mom was frightened that she something may happen to her in the lanes so she ran towards her. At the point when she heard the sound of the weapon, she solidified and imagined that her little girl was shot and murdered which made her shout. .ub3746e8640fc999e82a9d961f3e85ba6 , .ub3746e8640fc999e82a9d961f3e85ba6 .postImageUrl , .ub3746e8640fc999e82a9d961f3e85ba6 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .ub3746e8640fc999e82a9d961f3e85ba6 , .ub3746e8640fc999e82a9d961f3e85ba6:hover , .ub3746e8640fc999e82a9d961f3e85ba6:visited , .

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Essay Topics For High School - Writing Styles Explained

Essay Topics For High School - Writing Styles ExplainedEssay topics for 10th grade have been divided into writing styles and essay topics for high school. This article explores the writing styles in depth, how to create an interesting essay topic and what research you can do to help. It is important to understand your writing style if you want to find the best essay topics for high school.Essays can be written in a number of different styles. Some are writing styles which use literary devices like irony, metaphor, simile and even wordplay. A similar variety is academic style essays which use exact, logical structure and are objective in their approach. The choice of essay topic will depend on the type of essay that you are writing.Writing styles can make a huge difference in the style of the essay. To begin with, we should identify a style of writing. A 'high school student' will write an essay using the academic style of writing; this is much different to using a literary style. Now let's look at the writing styles to identify which ones will best suit the style of a high school student.Academic style is an academic style of writing. There is a central argument in the writing that is a thesis. This central argument is expressed as a narrative or as a sequence of events. It is up to the reader to believe what the writer claims. If he or she does not believe it then the writer must explain it for them.The literary style is another style of writing and is usually used by someone who knows how to write and has the ability to express their ideas. They also have the ability to incorporate a theme, or theme points into the essay. Themes can take any form such as morality, personality or religion. Themes are similar to topics but only in that they do not use formal language. They may involve a different kind of sentence structure or a different approach to the presentation of the topic.Your own writing style is very different from anyone else's. It is not possible to identify the common style of writing because there is no common type of writing. When writing a high school essay the writer is not acting like someone else; they are creating their own style. They should feel free to express themselves in this way. Creating their own style will enable them to deliver their thoughts in a compelling way and retain their audience's attention.If they want to appeal to their audience, they should be able to present their ideas in a way that makes sense to them. The essay should be written for them and not to impress someone else. The essay will be the only reflection of their personality and readers will form their own opinions of the essay.The writer should not be too concerned about the style of writing as long as they write in the way that fits them. By following the guidelines above they will be able to use essay topics for high school in the most successful way. Good luck!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Essay on How Much is Too Much - 1121 Words

Drinking and driving is against the law. Whether you have had one beer or two, whether you feel it or not it is still illegal in all fifty states to drink and get behind the wheel. In the state of California the legal blood alcohol concentration or BAC is 0.08 percent. The legal drinking age for the state of California is twenty-one and over. Many people do not take drinking and driving serious until it is way too late. Drinking and driving can and will cost you your freedom, finances and future; as well as other people on the road. Twenty-one is the legal drinking age so it doesn’t matter if you are under twenty-one and been to war or have had a baby it is still illegal to drink and drive. It is even illegal to have beer, wine, or and†¦show more content†¦A DUI class completion is required along with the ignition interlock device installed and the California SR22 insurance is required for restricted license. For the second offense jail time for at least ninety days a nd no more than one year. A fine for at least $390 no more than $1,000 and a license suspension for two years. The ignition interlock device, DUI program completion and the California SR22 insurance is all required. For the third offense jail time for at least 120 days and no more than one year. You will be fined for at least $390 to no more than $1,000 and a license suspension for three years. You will be considered a habitual offender which is not a good thing. The ignition interlock device, DUI program and California SR22 Certificate for restricted license is all required. You may be able to apply for Restricted Driver License after one year. The fourth offense is jail or prison for at least 180 days to no more than one year, a fine from at least $390 to no more than $1,000, and a license suspension for four years. The ignition interlock device, DUI program completion and California SR22 Certificate are all required. You may be able to apply for a Restricted Driver License after one year. These offenses are only convicted if the previous offense is within ten years. (California DUI) As of July 2009 the California Senate BillShow MoreRelatedHow Much Is Too Much?1176 Words   |  5 Pages How Much Is Too Much? By Jordan Keck Cowley County Community College Criminal Proceduresâ€Æ' Every day we hear about police brutality but are they really using excessive force? The use of force is generally separated into the two categories, deadly force and non-deadly force, though many departmental policies restrict the use of deadly force. Generally there are things that an officer needs to consider in using force while making an arrest though it would hard to think about those things in someRead MoreHow Much Is Too Much?896 Words   |  4 Pagesathletes were paid, they would be playing for their own selfish benefits instead of for the team and college they represent. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What Makes A College - 905 Words

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With college life just around the corner, students become increasingly excited as they finally realize that their parents won’t be breathing down their neck telling them everything they must do. College life allows students to have the freedom to finally make all of their own decisions, such as underage drinking. Allowing them to become independent, strong-willed individuals one bad choice at a time. Students who drink are often faced with a range of consequences, from health impairments to academic failure. Out of the plethora of issues college students face while they learn how to properly start their lives, the issue that seems to be the biggest and most worldwide isShow MoreRelatedWhat Makes A College Degree?854 Words   |  4 PagesWhat motivates me most is my daughter Sophia, a better job/career and better finances for myself to pursue a college degree. As a result, of me acquiring a college degree could inspire Sophia to go to a college and/or trade school. 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Principle of Management Implementing Competitive Strategies

Question: Discuss about the Principle of Management for Implementing Competitive Strategies. Answer: Introduction According to the present market scenario it can be observed that implementing competitive strategies within the organisation is quite essential for every company to extend and enhance their growth in their competitive market. By implementing better strategies within the organisation can lead better effectiveness of works and enhance their reputation in the domestic as well as in the global market (Albaum, 1989). Starbucks is one of the renowned coffee house chains in US. To make an effective business strategy in their business process, the organisation might needs to analyse their competitive strategies for make an effective impact in the market scenario. To expand the business of Starbucks, the companys chairman and chief global strategist Mr. Howard Schultz obtain some franchise to expand their growth in the North America. By the help of franchising the stores in the various region of the world, the organisation controls over their branding, pricing and overall dedication (Bussing- Burks, 2009). Porters Competitive Strategies for Starbucks To make an effective strategic plan for the organisation, Starbucks maintain to obtain the Porters competitive strategies in their business process. By implementing the Porters competitive strategies in their business, the organisation and the management of Starbucks analyse their competitive area and they can easily look after their implementing strategies by the help of the porters competitive strategic tools (Cateora, 1983). To make an analysis of the Starbucks competitive environment from the previous years it has been observed that choosing the Porters 5 force analysis for making improved competitive strategy is quite effectual in their business process. The main variables of the Porters five force analysis are Industry rivalry Potential for new entrance Substitute products Supplier bargaining power Bargaining power of buyers Industry Rivalry Due to the vast competitive market in the present days, the organisation like Starbucks need to aware about their industry rivals before enhancing their coffee chain shop in the international market. To make some implementation in their business, the management of the organisation also needs to understand the competitive factors in their industry for make a profitable income from the market. According to the Clifton, et al, (2003) it has been observed that some of the coffee companies also growing swiftly due to their sales of coffee within the grocery chain stores. Potential for new entrants Within porters five force analysis this is one of the prime factors for the coffee chain house. The potential for new market entrants which was Starbucks keep warm. To expand the business in the global field, the global strategist of the organisation and chairman implement some strategies in their business process to expand their trade in the international market. The organisation opened their initial store in the year 1971 and after some drastic change in their business within the year 1996 the organisation fulfil to achieve more stores across the world and it gives revenue of average 700000 dollar. The main new entry was made when the organisation entered in the UK market in the year 1998. Substitute Products This is another factor of porters five force strategic models, which is the organisation needs to aware more on their business process. The main substitute product for a coffee chain houses some soft drinks company (Czinkota Ronkainen, 1998). The Starbucks has area of threat from the several soft drink manufacturing companies like Pepsi, Coca Cola. Due to the fewer prices and less caffeine content, the customers are attracted by those products. On the other hand, it can be said that the main substitute of the product for a coffee chain is availability of the basic coffee market. For the effective marketing strategies implementation and for the effective market growth, the organisation like Starbucks follows demographic and cultural test before introducing new products in the different market region towards the consumers. Bargaining power of Buyer To expand the business in the global market, the organisation follows the bargaining power of buyer. To make an effective market reputation and determining the standpoint from an investors perspective, the organisation needs to look forward on the pricing of the product (Terpstra, 1988). By providing effective and superior quality of coffee with cost effective way, the organisation like Starbucks attracts more customer chain in their business process. It has been observed that the buyer has less knowledge about the market condition, market demand and the pricing strategies of the product, so the companys like Starbucks applied effective strategies to reduce the bargaining power of the customers to make more profit margin in their business (Uhlmann, 2005). Bargaining Power of buyers From the several market surveys it has been observed that the due to the supplier of Arabica coffee beans from the local market region of Latin America the local supplier has less unionization so the supplier has less bargaining power in their account. Role of Schultz to implement strategies at Starbucks To implement the effective strategies for Starbucks, the companys chairman and global strategist Schultz need to obtain joint venture, partners in their business process for the effective growth. Choosing the right partners in their business, maintains to gain culture and effective customer support, leads their business in a new position in the competitive market (Hossain Islam, 2015). To develop their business in the international market, the chairman needs to obtain joint ventures, licences, and company known operation for branding their market and developing its international operation. By the help of effective leadership skills and well maintained organisational structure, the managers of the organisation can track their regular sales revenue. By implementing effective motivational plan in their business, Schultz motivates their employees for their growth and expansion in the business market. To maintain the quality of the coffee, Starbucks roasts all their coffee in their own h ouse. Strategies for expanding Starbucks globally To expand the business globally, the Starbucks formed a joint venture with Pepsi-Cola to produce bottled Frappuccino and with Dreyers Grand Ice cream Inc to make number one coffee ice cream in the US market. By implementing this effective service and product development strategies in their business process, the organisation can attract more customers in their domestic and international market (Pasco Le Ster-Beaumevieille, 2007). To expand their market in the global field, the management especially targeting the Australia, China, New Zealand and Indian market. The present market condition shows that the coffee lovers shifted their taste from basic coffee to organic coffee so the organisation and the management needs to implement some strategies to make more organic coffee producing in their business process. The main focus of the management about their coffee making is to satisfy their customer in cost effective way ("Starbucks Pays More to Benefit Coffee Workers", 1998). Conclusion From the above study it can be depicts that the management of Starbucks mainly relies on different implementing strategies for their effective growth in the global field. By analysing the competitive factors in their business process, the organisation can easily analyse the current market scenario and market demand and they needs to adopt their strategies in concerning about that. With some joint venture, partnership, licensing strategies the organisation can easily capitalize new market penetration and by the help of effective customer support and pricing of their product the management can easily grown their successful rate in the international market. References Albaum, G. (1989). International marketing and export management. Wokingham, England: Addison-Wesley. Bussing-Burks, M. (2009). Starbucks. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Greenwood Press. Cateora, P. (1983). International marketing. Homewood, Ill.: R.D. Irwin. Clifton, R., Simmons, J., Ahmad, S. (2003). Brands and branding. London: Profile Books. Czinkota, M. Ronkainen, I. (1998). International marketing. Fort Worth: Dryden Press. Hossain, M. Islam, K. (2015). Generating Ideas on Online Platforms: A Case Study of My Starbucks Idea. Arab Economic And Business Journal, 10(2), 102-111. Pasco, C. Le Ster-Beaumevieille, H. (2007). Marketing international. Paris: Dunod. Starbucks Pays More to Benefit Coffee Workers. (1998). Business Ethics: The Magazine Of Corporate Responsibility, 12(2), 9-9. Terpstra, V. (1988). International dimensions of marketing. Boston, Mass.: PWS-Kent Pub. Co. Uhlmann, A. (2005). Branding. London: Kogan Page.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Tablets vs. Textbooks Essay Example

Tablets vs. Textbooks Paper Technology is advancing more and more everyday. From phones to Droids the things you can do is endless. These advances are making every day life easier and easier whether its doing your banking from home or keeping up with social media. Technology is becoming so advanced that kindergarten through twelfth grade students will soon be relieved of the burden of carrying books to and from school five days a week, which would be extremely beneficial. However, some people oppose this dea because, tablets are more expensive than print text books, they are dangerous to our kids health, and the tablets may be difficult to use for some students. First of all, those who oppose this idea believe that a tablet is more expensive than a print text book. Technology does not necessarily translate into more expensive though. According to a report from the Federal Communications Commission schools kindergarten through twelfth grade spend on average around eight billion dollars a year on text books. If these schools switched from text books to the ever popularizing E-book these schools can save anywhere from two hundred fifty to one thousand dollars per student per year. If you calculate this an average school has about five thousand to seven thousand students which translates to a 5 to 7 hundred thousand dollar savings that can go towards other things in the school. Most E-books cost about four hundred fifty dollars where as a textbook can cost upwards of six hundred dollars. So, this idea of tablets being more expensive is preposterous, and comes from the common idea of technology means more money which has no factual vidence to back it. We will write a custom essay sample on Tablets vs. Textbooks specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Tablets vs. Textbooks specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Tablets vs. Textbooks specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Secondly, the opposition will say that tablets are dangerous to our kids health. Those who oppose tablet usage will use the argument that staring at the screen of the tablet will cause irreversible damage to the eyes, but this claim is only a half truth though. There is no permanent damage caused to the eye, but there is a slight strain that can be relieved from a good nights rest. This slight strain however, is nothing in comparison to what can happen to an individuals back from carry all those heavy books all day. Pediatrician and chiropractors recommend that only fifteen percent of ones total body weight should be held on the back, but the weight from all of a childs courses easily out weighs that fifteen percent mark. A report from the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, during the 2011-2012 school year an estimated thirteen thousand seven kids aged from five to eighteen, were treated for some sort of back pack related injury. So where is the real danger to our kids health really at? Lastly, the individuals who oppose these tablets in school will say the tablets may be oo difficult to use for some students. The opposition will argue that with all these books and documents a student will have difficulty with opening any of them and thus make learning much harder for that child, this claim is extremely outlandish however. In the third world country of Ethiopia, the One Lap Top Per Child organization dropped off boxes full of tablets with educational applications loaded onto the device in two rural cities. These children had no prior education up to this point and were able to use the device properly within five days of opening it. Within two weeks these children were reciting the alphabet, and withing five months the children were able to get passed the security systems on the device and customize the background of the tablet. So, if these children who have never even seen the inside of a classroom can easily work the device within five days and become experts with it within five months, there is no telling what the children of modern day America would be able to do with such an educational device. Using a tablet in school over text books is Just so much more beneficial than it is unhelpful. The students of today will be much safer carrying around a one pound tablet everyday than a fifteen pound book. Using these tablets will also save our school districts so much more money as well. Also students today will be able to easily adjust and use these tablets for educational purposes which is Just much more beneficial towards their learning. Tablets are Just so beneficial why would we deprive our students of something so great. Tablets will revolutionize and increase learning ability so much, we can not Just turn our backs to this great opportunity technology has provided for us.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Football Versus Footbal †English Contrast Essay

Football Versus Footbal – English Contrast Essay Free Online Research Papers Football Versus Footbal English Contrast Essay Since ancient times human beings have developed ways of training their bodies; firstly as a manner of being strong, then as a way of becoming integral developed human beings and fulfill the â€Å"healthy body, healthy mind† principle and finally as a way of having fun healthily, developing as an individual, being able to work as a team member and staying healthy as well. There are numerous sport disciplines, in which individuals can develop and strengthen their physical abilities such as athletics, swimming, gymnastics, basketball, tennis, etc; even though, there is specially one which evokes great passion worldwide called football. Nevertheless, this generic name is used to identify several quite different sport disciplines, but the most famous ones are football or soccer and American football. Both have the same objective, both mean a lot to their fans and in both their star players are well paid; though, they differ from one another in their essence, this means the way they are played and issues such as pitch measurements and match time, players` role and equipment, ball itself and penalties. As a similarity, the two sports have the same grounds and are big sources of entertainment. The object of both sports, like most other games of football, is to advance the ball towards the opponent`s end of the field and score more points than the opposite team in a period of time. Besides, the most exciting moment of the game is definitely scoring goals. This is what makes people to become fans and incorporate the sport into their lives; football fans do whatever they can in order to support their team(s) for instance: watching their team on TV or alive, buying shirts and caps, watching the sport section on TV or reading it in the newpapers. As a consequence of this fanaticism, famous and wealthy teams are constantly hiring famous players and paying them exorbitant wages. Both sports have very well known stars such as Ronaldo, Ronaldià ±o, Beckham and Zidane in football and Donovan McNab, Terrell Owens, and Payton Maning in American football; they earn millions of doll ars every season, besides most of them are paid by working on advertisements for famous sportwear such as Nike, Adidas, ect. In contrast, both games differ in style. These sports are played in different ways. Football is a ball game played with the feet, but players may use any part of their body except their hands and arms to propel the ball; the exceptions to this is the goalkeeper, who is the only player allowed to handle the ball in the field. On the contrary, American football is a ball game played with the arms, this means players may carry the ball, throw it or handle it from one teammate to the other and placekick it. Another difference lies in the pitch measurements. A football field must be rectangular and have two goal posts at each side, its length should be in the range of 90-120m. and the width between 45-90m. Near to the goalposts there is an area called â€Å"penalty area.† On the other hand, an American football pitch must be a rectangular of 110m. long by 49 m. wide; the field is crossed every 4.55m. by lines called â€Å" yard lines† and there are two goal posts outside de marked area. Moreover, the period of time involve in both sports is unlike. A football match consists of two periods, known as halves, of 45 minutes each; there is usually a 15-minute break between halves, known as half time; the end of the match is known as full-time. In some tournaments if a match is tied at the end, it is necessary to play extra time, this means two 15-minute periods. If the score is still tied after extra time, the use of penalty shootouts is allowed. Differently, it is the case of an American football game which consists of four quarters of 15-minute, with a halftime after the second quarter. If a game is tied after four quarters, the teams play another 15 minutes. The first team that scores wins; if neither team scores, the game is a tie. Another difference is established by the elements that are used in these sports. Even though, both sports need eleven players on the field; their equipment and roles are different.. In football, players are required to wear a shirt, shorts, socks or stockings, footwear and adequate shin guards. About their roles, there are four positions in which players are strategically placed by the coach: goalkeeper, defenders, midfielders and forwards; each one of the players generally plays in the same position; besides, the team is leaded by a Captain. Contrarily, in American football players protect themselves using three kinds of protection: head protection which includes the helmet, jaw pads, face mask, mouth piece And chin strap; body protection such as neck roll, shoulders pads, shock pads, rib pads, arm pads, elbow pads, lineman glovers and receiver glovers and finally leg protection as hip and tailbone pads, girdle, thigh and knee pads, football pants and football cleats. In relat ion to its players` role, a team is divided into three specialized separate units: the offensive team, the defensive team, and the special teams; which are all lead by a field marshal. In the same way, both sports are played with different types of balls. On one hand, football uses a sphere shape ball which is made up from synthetic leather and it has a diameter of 22 m approximately. There are various types of it for instance: proffesional balls, indoors balls, promotional balls, etc. and four different sizes and weights according to the players` age. On the other hand, American football uses a pointed oval shape ball which is made up of four pieces of leather stitched together. It is about 28 cm. long and about 18 cm. in diameter at its center. It could be made either of rubber or plastic. Lastly, in both sport referees have different ways of showing a misconduct or fault to the audience. In football referees show a caution (yellw card) or a sending off (red card) while in American football they thow a yellow handkerchief on the ground. In conclusion, it is easy to appreciate both sports have their own charm. On one side, football is an sport easy to play, it does not require to much equipment, it is mostly about ability and it does not need a special field or ball. On the other side, American football represents a discipline in which force is everything, a possibility of learning a new game system and an illusion of wearing a big equipment. However, it is also easy to figure out why football is and will always be the most popular team sport in the world, because of its simplicity, you only need a ball and the will to play. Research Papers on Football Versus Footbal - English Contrast EssayThe Hockey GameTrailblazing by Eric AndersonThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationHip-Hop is ArtRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductResearch Process Part OneThe Project Managment Office SystemWhere Wild and West MeetBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm X

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Word Choice Explicit vs. Implicit - Proofeds Writing Tips

Word Choice Explicit vs. Implicit - Proofeds Writing Tips Word Choice: Explicit vs. Implicit Its always vital to make the correct word choice in an academic paper. In todays blog post, then, were going to explain the difference  between two regularly-confused words: explicit and implicit. Both of these terms describe the way in an idea is expressed, yet they are also opposites of one another. As such, it is very important to use them correctly! Read on below to find out how to avoid errors with these terms. Explicit (Fully and Clearly Expressed) Explicit means clear and unambiguous. For example, if someone has clearly and fully explained their position, you could say that: Jones views in this paper are explicit. This means that Jones views are clearly stated. Dont get confused with the other use of explicit, which indicates material of an adult nature! Implicit (Implied or Expressed Indirectly) Implicit means indirectly expressed. For example, if you read another paper by Jones and decided that some of her views were only implied rather than clearly stated, you could say: Jones current ideas were implicit in her earlier work, but not yet fully developed. Sometimes, implicit can also mean unquestioned or unreserved: My implicit trust in the news media means I am often misled by Rupert Murdoch. In both of these cases, the idea is that something remains unstated. Implicit or Explicit? The correct term to use in any given situation will depend on the context. If you are describing something that is clear and unambiguous, the word to use will be explicit. On the other hand, if youre describing something that is merely implied, rather than clearly and fully expressed, the correct term will be implicit. Remember: Get Your Paper Professionally Proofread If you are interested in having your paper proofread professionally, why not submit a 500-word sample to be proofread for free today?

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Final assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Final assignment - Essay Example The amount of arable farmland in China continues to decline sharply even as the region faces yet another problem, which is water shortage (Imura 93). This paper will examine some of the ways China is trying to curb the recent trends, and what it might mean to the future of the region if these techniques do not work. In order to be an economic powerhouse, the country has to have its affairs in order so as to be able to control most of what it imports into the region. The fact that arable farmland is diminishing and water shortages are becoming rife, the region may soon be faced with problems its citizens or government may not be fully equipped to handle. A recent report by the Minister of the National Development and Reform Commission, Zhang Ping, indicates that the severe shortages of the reserve farmlands and water resources present the biggest challenges to ensuring food security for the region. Urbanization that is considered to be rather rapid and natural disasters are said to be among the top reasons why the region is losing cultivatable or arable land, thus; making it a herculean task to save the remaining percentage of land that is still cultivatable (Imura 97). China’s National Bureau of Statistics indicates that China is responsible for 20pc of the globe’s population. However, only 7pc of this has been recorded as cultivatable land. It goes on to claim that; of the over 130 million hectares of arable land that was present in China in 1996, there was only a little over 120 million hectares left by the year 2008. Bank of America has, unfortunately, claimed that China has already bypassed the 120 million hectare mark, meaning that only 115 million will be available by the year 2015. China, at the moment, can only boast of having less than 5 million hectares of land as reserve farmland (Imura 101). Further statistics by an agricultural consultancy firm indicate that there is need to maintain or preserve the remaining 120 million

Saturday, February 1, 2020

The Great Depression of the 1930's Research Paper

The Great Depression of the 1930's - Research Paper Example The depression not only resulted in loss of jobs, but also resulted in psychological crisis which was attributed to loss of income and property, and the resultant sense of gloom which was endured by the country during those tragic years. Such events put the government and the Federal Reserve under great pressure to safeguard the rapidly deteriorating economy from worsening further and eliminate the social and commercial crisis faced by its people (Campbell, 2008). The exact reasons which led to the great depression are highly complicated in nature, and have been the subject of various debates among historians. Initially during the beginning of 1920s, the nation’s economy was relatively strong and consumer-oriented, with a booming automobile and consumer goods industry which produced products in large numbers to cater to the wide market. This could be substantiated with the presence of large companies such as General Motors and General Electric, which were not only successful i n the consumer goods market but also a major source of investments in the New York Stock Exchange along with other financial markets. The stock markets and financial institutions prospered greatly during those years, which led to a huge investment in those sectors, leading to an unprecedented rise in stock prices. The government concern increased, with the increase in stock prices, and the Federal Reserve along with the government began to introduce and develop policy measures to control the rising stock prices. Such measures taken by the government and the Federal Reserve paved way for the impending crash of the stock market, which began during October 1929. Although historians so far, have failed to pinpoint one single event which led to the collapse of the stock markets, and the resultant economic downturn that followed, resulting in billions of dollars worth of loss, large scale unemployment, failure of banks, and years of economic and social unrest. Timeline history of the peri od Year Events 1929 Feb 2 Federal Reserve Bank bans bank loans for margin trades June 15 - August Agricultural Marketing Act passed, Economic expansion peaks Sept, 3 Stock prices peak Oct 24, Oct 29 Black Thursday, sales of stocks was recorded at an all time high of 12,895,000, and 16,410,000 respectively resulting in a record forty points drop in the New York Times index Nov 13 Stock prices record a new low 1930 October Unemployment rises, Committee for unemployment relief formed Dec 2 Government funds a $150 million public works program. By the end of 1930, nearly 1350 banks suspend their operations 1931 Official report suggests that nearly 4-5 million people were unemployed Oct 16 New York Federal Bank increases its discount rate from 1.5 per cent to 2.5 per cent Oct 23 New York Federal Bank once again increases its discount rate from 2.5 per cent to 3.5 per cent Dec 11 New York Bank collapses. By the end of the year nearly 2293 banks shut down Lack of economic safeguards During the depression there was large scale unemployment, various banking and other financial institutions failed and had to shut down, and there was a sharp decline in the GNP leading to disastrous outcomes. Such widespread and negative repercussions were mainly as a result of lack

Friday, January 24, 2020

British Telecom Essay -- GCSE Business Management Studies Essays

British Telecom My aim in this investigation is to discuss whether or not British Telecom has successfully grown and developed since its Privatisation to compete on a world scale. In addition to this has it any long-term strategies for future growth and development of products. According to the 1996 Budget Red Book, more than 50 major businesses have been privatised since 1979 and the state owned sector of industry has been reduced be two-thirds. British Telecom was privatised in 1984, with no major restructuring. This meant that a public monopoly was transferred directly into private hands, this natural monopoly benefited from having economies of scale. Of course this move had it's advantages but there were also disadvantages. These were mainly among the staff who now had much less of an 'easy time' in work. Not only this but as a result of privatisation the company obviously became cost effective and jobs were lost in order to reduce costs. 'Privatisation is seen as a way of reasserting consumer sovereignty, raising standards of provision, of increasing efficiency and of reducing costs.' There are many reasons to why the Government chose a course of denationalisation. State monopolies create inefficiency, are poor in innovation and restrict consumer choice; instead of the consumer being sovereign, power has been transferred to the state and its bureaucracies. Before privatisation all nationalised companies had to have their expenditure passed by the Treasury, because of this they found it difficult to raise money. During these years almost 250,000 people who wanted a new phone line couldn't get them and BT didn't know what to charge the people who did have them. Privatisation gave companies t... ...nge' from Mercury and have seen their share price rise from an initial 130p back in 1984 to an incredible 1351p now. BT, while being a natural monopoly in Britain realise that their position is being challenged. Although their share of the land-line market has still nearly been all encompassing they have seen that the market as a whole decrease as almost half of the UK population have gone out and bought mobile phones. In answer to this threat BT have taken up a strong position in the mobile phone market themselves, competing alongside the big guns such as Orange and Vodafone. Through several acquisitions they have established themselves as a leading company with 7 million UK customers and very sound plans for the future, which they see as being a unification of the latest mobile phone technology along with the immense power the Internet has to offer.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Family Matters

My favorite vacation was two summers back just before I entered high school. My family and I traveled to South Padre Island, Texas; located in the Gulf of Mexico; connected to Texas by only a long narrow bridge. I had high hopes for the vacation, but they took a plummet during the course of my vacation. Although much of my vacation was an utter disaster, I learned that with family you can make the best out of anything. My trip started out alright flying into the lush tropical island, seeing the shimmering waves winking at me during the airplanes descent. When we exited the airport my skin was greeted with a warm tropical breeze upon stepping outside. We then took a cab to our lavish hotel, The Magnolia. Upon entering the hotel lobby, I was greeted to the tantalizing smell of freshly caught Gulf shrimp, which got my stomach growling. It seemed that after such an amazing day as this one that this vacation could only get better, but alas that was not in nature’s plans. The next morning, dark clouds loomed in the horizon, signaling a storm; little did I know that it would turn out to be the mother of all tropical storms; a hurricane! Most occupants of the island were in a hurry to leave, but the bridge was the only way out of the island, other than the airport which was closed in this emergency. While ost of the city’s traffic was jammed trying to get onto the bridge, my family and I went to the penthouse of the hotel and locked ourselves in. To ease the tension, we played card games and told stories while the hurricane passed by and two days later the storm had finally gone by and the flooding had subsided so it was safe to go out. We then made good use of the near-empty beaches and enjoyed surfing and boogey-boarding on the gigantic waves enjoying our time together as a family. After a fun day on the beach, we were slightly disappointed to be informed by the hotel manager that we could no longer stay in the penthouse so we had to return to our original room. The next day I was saddened that our trip had come to an end as I slowly packed my belongings. On the way to the airport I was deep in thought, I realized that for all the misfortunes that plagued us on our trip, it actually turned out to be a very enjoyable vacation and countless summers after it is still my favorite vacation to date.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

An Overview of the Animal Welfare Act

The Animal Welfare Act (AWA) is a federal law that was passed in 1966 and has been amended several times since then, notably in 2006. It empowers the Animal Care program of the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to issue licenses and adopt and enforce regulations meant to protect the basic welfare of creatures kept in captivity. The law can be found at the official United States Government Publishing Office under its proper bill title: 7 U.S.C.  §2131. The Animal Welfare Act protects certain animals in certain  facilities but is not as effective as animal advocates would like. Many complain about its limited scope, and some even argue that animals are entitled to rights and freedoms equal to humans and should not be owned or used in any regard. Which Facilities Are Covered by the AWA? The AWA applies to facilities that breed animals for commercial sale, use animals in research, transport animal commercially, or publicly exhibit animals. This includes zoos, aquariums, research facilities, puppy mills, animal dealers, and circuses. The regulations adopted under the AWA establish minimum care standards for animals in these facilities, including adequate housing, handling, sanitation, nutrition, water, veterinary care, and protection from extreme weather and temperatures. Facilities that are not covered include farms, pet stores, hobby breeders, and places that commonly hold pets as well as quasi-commercial animals like milk cows and bure-pred dogs. Without the protection guaranteed to animals in other facilities and industries, these animals sometimes suffer harsh treatment—though animal rights groups often step in to defend these creatures. The AWA requires that the facilities  are  licensed and registered or their AWA-covered activities will be shut down. Once a facility is licensed or registered, it is subject to unannounced inspections. Failures to comply with AWA standards can lead to fines, confiscation of the animals, license and registration revocation, or cease and desist orders. Which Animals Are and Are Not Covered? The legal definition of the word â€Å"animal† under the AWA is â€Å"any live or dead dog, cat, monkey (nonhuman primate mammal), guinea pig, hamster, rabbit, or such other  warm-blooded  animal, as the Secretary may determine is being used, or is intended for use, for research, testing, experimentation, or exhibition purposes, or as a pet.† Not every animal kept by these facilities is covered. The AWA has exclusions for birds, rats or mice used in research, livestock used for food or fiber, and reptiles, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates. Because 95 percent of the animals used in research are mice and rats and because the nine billion land animals slaughtered for food in the U.S every year are exempted, the vast majority of animals used by humans are excluded from the AWA’s protection. What Are the AWA Regulations? The AWA is a general law that does not specify the standards for animal care. The standards can be found in the regulations that are adopted by APHIS under the authority granted by the AWA. Federal regulations are adopted by government agencies with specific knowledge and expertise so they can set their own rules and standards without getting Congress bogged down in small details. The AWA regulations can be found in Title 9, Chapter 1 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Some of these regulations include those for the indoor housing of animals, which specify minimum and maximum temperatures, lighting, and ventilation. Regulations for animals kept outdoors maintain that the creature must be sheltered from the elements and offered food and clean water regularly. Also, for facilities with marine mammals, the water must be tested weekly and animals must be kept with a compatible animal of the same or similar species. In addition, a minimum tank size is required, depending on the size and types of animals housed. Participants in â€Å"swim with the dolphins† programs must agree in writing to the rules of the program. Circuses, which have been under constant fire since animal rights activism increased in the 1960s, must not use deprivation of food and water or any kind of physical abuse for training purposes, and animals must be given a rest period between performances. Research facilities are also required to establish Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUC) that must inspect the animal facilities, investigate reports of AWA violations, and review research proposals to â€Å"minimize discomfort, distress, and pain to the animals.​ Criticisms of the Animal Welfare Act One of the biggest criticisms of the AWA is the exclusion of rats and mice, which make up the majority of the animals used in research. Similarly, since livestock is also excluded, the AWA does nothing to protect farmed animals. There are currently no federal laws or regulations for the care of animals raised for food. Although there are general criticisms that the housing requirements are insufficient, some animal rights advocates claim that the regulations for marine mammals are especially inadequate. Marine mammals in the wild swim for miles each day and dive hundreds of feet deep in the open ocean, while tanks for porpoises and dolphins can be as small as 24 feet long and only 6 feet deep. Many of the criticisms of the AWA are directed against the IACUCs. Since IACUCs tend to include people who are affiliated with the institution or are animal researchers themselves, many advocates question whether these committees can objectively evaluate research proposals or complaints of AWA violations.