Friday, November 29, 2019
Bio lab report on insulators Sample
Bio lab report on insulators Paper Foam is 5 percent air so the air molecules slow down the heat transfer from the liquid, so it stays warmer longer than cotton insulation. This leads me to predict that foam would be the best insulator, as it would trap the heat more, which will cause deficient heat lost. Identification of Variables There are three variables I will take in consideration whilst carrying out my investigation. The independent variable will be the types of materials used for insulation, which will be cotton, newspaper, aluminum foil, and black insulator. My control variables would be the temperature of the water, 800 Celsius. The pendent variable in my investigation will be the amount of heat loss. Scientific Theory The different types of energy transfers that will be taking place during this experiment will be conduction, convection, insulation, and radiation. Heat is transferred from one material to another through conduction. That happens when the water comes into contact with the cup itself. Materials that are good at conducting heat absorb the heat of the liquid quickly, and therefore, the liquid cools down. This happens when the heat energy is transferred from the water to the cup and then from the cup to the material around it. If the material is a good conductor, the heat absorbed would be faster so the heat loss from the water itself would increase as well. Insulation reduces heat loss and the rate of cooling. Absorption of heat is slower in materials that are good insulators so the water inside the cup stays warm for a longer period of time. Insulation is the restriction of heat. Insulation is also the material used to cause these restrictions. We will write a custom essay sample on Bio lab report on insulators specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Bio lab report on insulators specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Bio lab report on insulators specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Insulation is used in houses to keep the heat inside during the winter and outside during hot times. Insulation is also used in blankets, jackets, and drink bottles. Insulation does not create heat; it prevents heat from flowing. Therefore, if you placed a blanket over something cold, it will be cold underneath the blanket. Materials differ in heat conductivity and so also vary in their insulation capacity. When the water will be heated, it will move upwards as a result of the heat. Warm air will rise and cool air will fall. So convection would be taking place. Then this thermal energy will transfer to the material around the hot water bottle as thermal energy flows from warmer objects to cooler objects. This will cause the material around the water bottle o either absorb energy or to reflect it. Throughout all of these processes radiation would be taking place as the heat would be transferred as energy by particles which will then depending upon the material will either be absorbed or reflected. Equipment 1 piece of cotton 1 piece of foam 1 sheet of aluminum foil 1 bubble wrap 4 thermometers 2 stopwatches 4 Cups with lids 1 kettle 10 rubber bands 1 piece of play-do 5 beakers Health and Safety Limitations Throughout the experiment, wear goggles Handle the hot water very cautiously Do not put the cups filled with hot water at the edge of the table. Method Prepare water baths at ICC. Take four cups with lids on each one of them and take one more cup without a lid as this is going to be the control for comparison. Cover one of the cups with one layer of cotton. Fix the fabric on the bottle with the help of rubber bands. Pierce the lid, with a thermometer, and fix it to the cap with Play-do. Repeat # 3, 4, and 5 with foam, aluminum foil, and bubble wrap and prepare a control without a fabric. Measure 200 ml of water in 5 different beakers and pour them into the cups simultaneously with the help of a funnel. Immediately put the cap back on with the thermometer. (Dont use the same thermometer for all experiments) All five specimens must be carried out concurrently for it to be a fair experiment. Record the temperature from the thermometer every five minutes till 40 minutes have passed (make sure you use a stopwatch for the time). Record your results in a table and present them on a graph. Results Type of material Temperature (0) O (min) 5 (min) 10 (min) (min) ) (min) K) (min) Minimum foil 74 68 65 62 59 56 54 Cotton 80 72 64 61 58 55 52 Foam Bubble wrap 76 67 63 57 No material 69 60 49 46 Analysis In conclusion, out of the materials, aluminum foil, foam, cotton, and bubble wrap, aluminum foil is the best insulator as it restricts the transfer of heat so it slows it down and it reflects the heat energy. The statistics above indicate that the best insulator is aluminum foil. By examining the results, I can competently say that the rate of heat loss for aluminum foil was very slow. Consequently, it kept water hot for the longest period of time, as the heat absorption occurring was gradual as well. Aluminum is a metal; metals are good conductors of heat and electricity, which means that hey transfer energy from one particle to another. This is known as the collision theory. However, because aluminum is a shiny metal, it reflects more heat than it absorbs heat which may have caused the reduction of heat retention. The results also indicate that my prognostication at the start was miscalculated or was effected by some incorrect procedures during the experiment. Compared to the control, aluminum foil sis better insulator, which shows that it would absorb heat slower than a normal cup with water, would do. Bubble wrap is the second best insulator as it contains air pockets, which either raps or slows down the heat energy, as it is radiated from the water into the air molecules. As the heat energy is slowed down, so is the rate of heat retention because the energy through the particles is moving very slowly. When compared to the control, bubble wrap is a better insulator because of the trapping of heat energy inside the air pockets, so the water stays warmer with the bubble wrap on then no material around the cup at all. The material, foam, which I prophesied, is the third best insulator as it is 95 percent air so air molecules from the liquid slow the heat transfer down, so it mains warmer, longer than cotton insulation. Since the heat transfer is slowed down by the air molecules, the process of heat absorption is also slowed down so by the time heat energy gets to the foam, it is so slow that very less of it can be absorbed. Foam is a good insulator but when it is compared to the control, it is not as good at insulating as the cup without any material. Furthermore, my results show that the cotton is the worst insulator out of all the materials. This maybe because it cannot cause the restriction of heat. It may, however, be a good conductor as it is absorbing heat very quickly as the articles are transferring heat energy at a very fast rate. Even though it is the worst insulator out of the materials I used in this experiment, compared to the control, which had no material around it, the temperature loss is very close to each other. The temperature in both the cotton and no material is decreasing by either 3 or 4 degrees. So in reality, cotton may act as an insulator but it will not keep either things or people warm for a very long period of time. Even though, the cup without any material is a better insulator than the cotton-insulated cup. Evaluation hind that during my experiment, some things went wrong which made my results less reliable. The temperatures recorded for all specimens were too close because they were measured by a thermometer. In future when I repeat this experiment again, would use temperature censors to obtain more reliable and accurate results. Also I would repeat the experiment three more times for it to be a fair test. Then I would take an average of the results. Another factor that might have changed the results slightly was that did not cover the cup completely from top to bottom so some parts of it were still exposed to cold IR of the air conditioning. Also the cups had some tiny holes which I did not cover with play do until half way between the experiment. So for next time, I will need to cover the whole cup rather than just around the cup. One of the other reasons that also caused problem in the results was that all the cups were made out of cardboard which might have contributed to slowing down the heat loss. Undertaking this for next time, I would carry out my experiment in tin cans as they conduct heat rather than insulating heat so it would not affect my results.
Monday, November 25, 2019
The Truman Show Essays - Truman, The Truman Show, Harry S. Truman
The Truman Show Essays - Truman, The Truman Show, Harry S. Truman The Truman Show The Truman show: Is life a Truman show? By saying that life is a Truman show, Im saying that life is perfectly planned, with a structure and a fixed destinyit may even be a lie. The Truman show is a movie in which the main character is the protagonist of a show without knowing anything. Truman is being filmed twenty four hours a day, but he doesnt know it. Everyone he knows, are actors and are with him only because they are paid for doing so. This surely seems very different to our lives; its just fiction. But it may be very similar in several aspects if we analyze it little bit. We may seem free to decide, to choose who do we meet, and to do several things, but there is always someone that can prevent us from achieving something that is not convenient for him. Although this may seem to be a truly paranoid ideal, there are several important people which have a lot of power and can control our lives as they want to. By this I am not saying that they are planning every ones life, but they can surely manage to take a population to where ever they want, and they do not care if people suffer, or if people die, as long as they can earn money it is all right. What the producer of the show did to Truman, is in a way the same that the governments and the worlds Oligarchy does to us at every moment, through out our whole lifes. The Studio didnt care of how much could Truman suffer, or how morally bad was what they were broadcasting, as long as people pay, it was all right. In our life the same tings happen, over and over again. No one on a government cared if people died in a war, they may have been their people, but they wouldnt care. They fought a war for a matter of power, but I have never seen any president fighting in a world war. Another way in which life can be compared to the Truman show is that when Truman tried to escape from his life, he was set up with several traps, which made it very hard for him to live, and they even tried to kill him. In Argentina, while the military government was in power, several people tried to change the things, but not one could achieve their goal, and almost all of them disappear. To round up, our life IS in several ways a Truman show, but it only give amusement to a few, and brings pain to several who does not disserve it.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Entrepreneur Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Entrepreneur - Research Paper Example Small opportunities are the beginning of great enterprises but it is often fraught with pitfalls and challenges (Solovic, 2004). This is precisely what Fashion Cafe faced in the 1990s. Fashion Cafe is a themed restaurant and according to a Dunn & Bradstreet publication, the failure rate of all restaurants is high and the failure rate of themed restaurants is even higher (Greer, 2008). About half a million businesses start-up each year and more than this number also fail each year. Reasons could vary across firms and sector but there are certain common mistakes that most entrepreneurs make. 1.2 Fashion Cafe Fashion Cafe, a glitzy theme restaurant, was founded in 1995 by Tommaso Buti and his wife. This was a theme-park restaurant with an animated environment and having a store on the side. This themed restaurant serving burgers and appetizers, was founded by supermodels and fashionistas. They offered and served $20 salad made exclusively for Naomi Campbell (Businesspundit, 2009). Fashi on Cafe was in the restaurant business which itself is tough, and the theme restaurants face even tougher challenges. Supermodels like Claudia Schiffer, Naomi Campbell, Elle Macpherson, and Christy Turlington joined hands with Tommaso Buti and the brain child was Fashion Cafe (Businesspundit, 2009). The vision behind the themed restaurant was to market food and sex as used to be with night clubs and restaurants. This time the owners planned it by way of offering burgers and chips to suit the body-conscious crowd. The theme was to use the girls as enticement and the entrepreneur thought that it would be easy to raise the money to foot their bill. Investors were easily attracted because each felt they owned the models. Because of the stars around the venture gained publicity on CNN and BBC. Buti raised $3 million within a short period and run only three restaurants ââ¬â in New York, London and New Orleans (Berkman, 2011). Inside the restaurant lights flash, movies play and then th ere was a display of dresses, shoes and coats worn by the owners ââ¬â the supermodels (Reichl, 1995). These could be bought at the store which was on the side. While the menu card was seven-pages the menus on the card demonstrated frugal meals to suit slim figures and models. At the same time, they planned to sell goods such as dresses and coats through the store in the side. Fashion Cafe was over-franchised and has been accused of mismanagement (Businesspundit, 2009). 1.3 Situation over time Staff paychecks were bouncing and they struggled to hire good people. They reached a state when suppliers refused to deliver on credit (Berkman, 2011). The entrepreneur siphoned out funds to create assets for himself. The restaurant spent too much on refurbishing instead of providing cash for day-today running expenses (Willock, 1998). Super models that had invested and had been attached to the chain started resigning one after the other. The Cafe did not allow the stakeholders access to th e accounts which goes against the norms of any company. The CEO Tommaso Buti has been accused of stealing funds from the company and diverting the corporate assets for personal benefits (Kelly, 1999). They have also been accused of defrauding the investors and the owners have been charged of wire fraud, conspiracy, money laundering and transporting of stolen property. The project had huge amount of investments with good financial backing but no business planning. It closed down three years after it was opened. 2. Reasons for failure 2.1
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Globalization of Outsourcing Trends Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Globalization of Outsourcing Trends - Essay Example But the shape of outsourcing is completely changing, now organizations no longer outsource tasks to organizations located within their nations and are only outsourcing their jobs to other nations to achieve the benefits of decline in cost of labor which eventually adds up to decrease in the cost of production. This paper will focus on the historical, current and future trends of outsourcing. History The activity of outsourcing started taking place during the 1980s. According to the assertions of United Nations, the activity of outsourcing started during the period of 1962, when huge companies that used to operate globally were involved in the act of outsourcing certain amount of their jobs, later the activity was given the name of outsourcing during the period of 1989 (UN 81). During the middle periods of the era of the 1990s, companies realized that outsourcing will assist them in attaining cost efficiency. Due to this realization, companies started outsourcing those jobs and tasks that were necessary to them but were not directly related to the essential parts of the business. They used to outsource tasks such as accounting jobs, data management jobs and jobs related to the security sector. Other entities started forming up that that used to provide services such as human resource management and organization maintenance. By the period of 2000, jobs started being shifted from within the boundaries of a nation to other nations and this act was named as offshoring. There is a slight difference in the operations of outsourcing and offshoring, in the case of outsourcing jobs are delegated to providers of different services, in the case of offshoring, entities are formed that are controlled by businesses located in other countries (Chadee 414). Current Trends The activity of outsourcing is conducted by several businesses that operate in the 21st century. Due to increase in the number of outsourced tasks, job creation of developing nations started increasing. After the world experienced the new millennium, managerial positions as well as engineering jobs even started being outsourced. This led to the creation of workforce that got involved in the task of producing reports on weekly basis and continued to increase the importance of outsourcing activities. Services such as customer assistance, support for technical and jobs that are desk based even started to be outsourced. Several organizations throughout the world outsource tasks to fulfill several purposes and attain several benefits and the main purpose was to eliminate or decrease various costs of running an organization (LOHR, 2013). Businesses that outsource even enjoy the benefit of focusing on its core activities and participate in more creative activities. Those entities that obtain outsourced jobs enjoy the benefits of experiencing skills and technology that did not exist in their own nation due to lack of capital and time issues. Outsourcing has proven to be assistive to both the dev eloped and the developing nations, but this activity even has another side of the coin which is negatively impacting nations and entities. Issues such as a nation and an entityââ¬â¢
Monday, November 18, 2019
The product mix strategies that McDonalds has taken in the expansion Essay
The product mix strategies that McDonalds has taken in the expansion to the markets of the foreign countries - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that in simplest language, international marketing can be defined as a process of planning and executing marketing mix strategies on a worldwide scale to take the advantage of the structural and operational differences between nations to benefit both the individuals and organizations. The product mix strategies include the product type, promotion strategies and price as well as distribution channels. With the advent of globalization, international marketing became an integral part of the firmââ¬â¢s growth strategy, primarily to increase the profit base and diversify the market risk associated with a concentrated local market. Globalization has also improved the demand from overseas customers, which is giving to be a lot of incentive to the firms to get lured into the foreign markets. The attitude of the governments in the recent times is fuelling the drive of globalization and multinationals. McDonaldââ¬â¢s which is one of the leading American restaurant chains, founded in 1940 by Dick and Mac McDonald, has successfully expanded its business through franchising into countries across the continents. The successful company has a wide range of eatables to cope with the evolving taste of the customers. The quintessential product is hamburgers and cheeseburgers. The additional platters include chicken, French fries, breakfast essentials, soft drinks and desserts. The company began to witness worldwide growth and success when Ray Kroc joined the company as a franchise agent and bought the chain from the McDonald brothers. The company has been using its corporate logo since 1968. The boom of the fast food industry began from 1975 when fast food sales in America had soared to 900% from 1975 to mid-2000s. This provided a huge boost to the fast food restaurants to expand chains of outlets across the country. McDonaldââ¬â¢s made the first move towards establishing a chain of fast food restaurants through franchising in the 1960s. It was the first restaurant to have introduced the concept of mass food production in the food business and become a market leader in paving the way food is to be marketed, distributed and sold. The fast-food industry also depends to a large extent on the supply chain for an adequate supply of raw materials. The tight integration of the agents implies that the growth of the fast-food sector chain has deeper resonance on the entire economy. Rationale for Internationalization Globalization has hugely increased the number of jobs and working hours in both the developing and developed countries. This implies that demand for quality fast food has also increased to a great extent owing to the young working professionals. The successful fast-food chains of the West saw this as a great opportunity to cash on such expansion. Since 1990s, the attitude of the government in the developing countries has been to reduce the market barriers and trade restrictions have made the process of internationalization more convenient process for the firms. Mode of Entry It has been observed from the experiences of the leading giants in the fast-food industry that out of the various methods of modes of entry, which includes exporting, licensing, Joint venture, Franchising, Strategic alliance and Subsidiaries (wholly owned or partly owned), fast food restaurants have actively considered franchising as the most convenient method. The experience of McDonaldââ¬â¢s reflects the same strategy. Franchising is chosen as the most common mode of entry by the big businesses because the investment burden and the liability of the franchisor are greatly reduced owing to the franchise.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Competitive Advantage Through HR Outsourcing
Competitive Advantage Through HR Outsourcing Organizations getting their human resource function done out side the organization is known as HR outsourcing. With the help of HR outsourcing an organization hands over its human resource issues to be resolved by the third party and the third solves all issues related to human resource. Through outsourcing a company can avoid its internal cost to some extent and it will get better services at low cost because third party consultant holds highly competent HR professionals with them. If organization tries to hire those people it would be very costly for it. HR outsourcing gives access to those professionals at minimum cost and organizations get better solution. Now days, organization are trying to move towards HR outsourcing. Many of the organizations now adopt this concept and because of outsourcing, they are performing better. In my research I have tried to find out whether adopting HR outsourcing gives an edge to the organization or not. I set our initial hypothesis that organization gets competitive advantage if they go for HR outsourcing. In order to get results I have conducted a small scale research and on the basis of this research I concluded my findings. RESEARCH QUESTION Does an organization gain competitive advantage through HR outsourcing? RESEARCH OBJECTIVES HR outsourcing is gaining immense importance in the current era. Most of the organizations are now adopting HR outsourcing. It gives organizations double benefit, firstly they can avail services of key human resource professionals without hiring them and secondly organizations can get these benefits incurring very low cost. The basic objective of conducting this research is to find out the impact of HR outsourcing on organizational performance. In this research I have tried to find that organizations gain competitive advantage through HR outsourcing. What positive things they achieve through HR outsourcing. I have collected data from key HR personnel working in leading organizations. This research will assist almost every organization that is working at broader level. By analyzing the findings of this research organizations can get the idea whether they should adopt HR outsourcing or not. This research will also be helpful for those organizations that are considering HR outsourcing. I have also discovered that what benefits organizations achieve through HR outsourcing and what are other possibilities to gain other different benefits. LITERATURE REVIEW In the presence of theoretical model an organization identifies environmental and organizational characteristics that affect the performance of human resource in the organization. Particularly we address the issue according to the circumstance which contributes value for organization by the analysis of environmental and organizational characteristics that affect HR performance and relationship outsourcing mediates. We propose that supplier competition in HR is directly proportion to the HR depth performance. Uncertain situation of the environment like primary, competitive and supplier give the indications to develop the relationship between the performance of HR and amount of HR outsourcing and also between supplier competition and amount of outsourcing for asset specify the latest version of the paper was presented in Houston, Texas, March, 2003 at the Southwest Academy of Management meeting and received the paper award. It has been observed in different organizations that they are focusing on human resource outsourcing. This trend has been observed for last few years. In a research conducted by well reputed institutions of the world concluded in its findings the views of key HR personnel of different leading organizations that they outsource at least one function from the outside in order to increase productivity. P G signed an agreement to outsource HR service in 2004 for its operation spread all over the world. HR outsourcing is gaining rapid attention by different organizations, it is strongly recommended that organization should go through all aspects while outsourcing. In different surveys it has been found that it has declined the morale of employees and customer services are also not up to standards. It is still problem for the organizations that before going to outsourcing for the functions that previously did in the organization and decision solely based on cost and benefit analysis. (e.g.,AndersonWeitz, 1986;Belous, 1989; Greer, Youngblood, Gray, 1999; Gupta Gupta, 1992; Kakabadse Kakabadse, 2002; Lever, 1997), and Vining Globerman (1999) in a research conducted by government agencies that through HR outsourcing organization saved up to 30% in its operating costs. In spite of that difference other studies suggest that while making decision of outsourcing cost should not be only criteria few other factors should also be taken into consideration. In those considerations it must analyze that organizations are availing services of highly competent professionals and customer satisfaction has also increased. (Barthelemy, 2003; Greer, Youngblood Gray, 1999; Gupta Gupta, 1992), by few experts it is said that organizations lose long term advantage (Anderson Weitz, 1986; Greer, Y oungblood Gray, 1999, Gupta Gupta, 1992; Lever, 1997). Studies that have been conducted very recently, Adler (2003) pointed few factors that must be considered while making decision for out sourcing, one how dependent you will be, second is spillover risk, and third is reliability of that organization, capability of that organization, long term sustainability and flexibility. The factors that discussed at first, second, third and fourth position are short term and fifth and sixth positions are long term. Even though there is no accurate method that helps us whether outsourcing is most efficient and effective. Few practical examples are available whether to manufacture or purchase from out side for example Leiblein, Reuer, Dalsace, 2002) findings focus why organization outsource, what are the benefits of outsourcing. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Todays world of business is very dynamic; every business is striving to sustain its position in the market. HR outsourcing is an emerging concept and gaining an edge with the passage of time. Organizations are moving towards adaptation of this concept. It has been observed that HR outsourcing is beneficial for the organizations. Organizations performance increases with the help of HR outsourcing. Those organizations that have adopted HR outsourcing in their organization are performing better than those that have not focused on HR outsourcing. It shows trend towards HR outsourcing. It is utmost effort of every organization to perform at optimum level and give better result to its stakeholders. Though HR outsourcing organizations avail services of highly competent professionals who assist them to increase their productivity and ultimately this will positively affect the profits of the organizations. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY In this research, I have used survey methods because this is descriptive research and nature of the situation is uncertain, in which management partially is sure about the problem. Questionnaire was used as data collection tool in which structured and close end questions were asked. Total fourteen questions were designed to ask different opinion from the respondents. In all questions different options were given to the respondent to select his choice. Finally when all questionnaire were got filed then I summarized the result in order to finalize my research findings. Apart from questionnaire literature was reviewed thoroughly. By analyzing both primary data collected through questionnaire and secondary data analyzed in literature review, I have concluded my research findings. In this research, my sample size was thirty respondents and all were professionals working in different organizations. They participated in this research and on the basis of responses received from them I finally concluded about this research. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES In this research, 30 respondents were asked to participate. Out of which 27 questionnaires were received. 3 questionnaires were rejected due to fake or incomplete data, ultimately 24 questionnaires were analyzed. All participants were highly qualified HR professionals that were performing their duties in well reputed and leading organizations. Most of the respondents were in 41 to 50 years age bracket but few of them were 51 to 60 years age bracket. All respondents had been serving in the organization for more than five years. In the response to a question that HR department plays a vital role for the development of the organization, 83% responded strongly agree, 9% agreed, and only 8% disagrees with this statement. This shows the importance of the HR department in the organization especially in the light of these responses. Organizations which have highly competent HR professional are stronger than those that are lacking them. Majority of the responded agreed with this statement only a small percent of the responded denied this statement. HR outsourcing leads organization towards success, in the response to this question 95% agreed this statement and 5% were neutral, they did not respond anything. From the response to this question it can be inferred that it is key success factor of the organization if it adopts HR outsourcing. HR outsourcing doubles the performance of organization, response of this question was not completely positive. 56% respondents were neutral and did comment on it, 23% agreed this statement, 21% of respondents disagreed with this statement. It can be inferred from this statement that most of the HR personnel were not sure about it because no quantitative data was available in front of them, so they reserved their response. In the responses to this question, organizations are more competitive that are involved in HR outsourcing, 75% responded strongly agreed with this statement, 18% agreed and only 7% responded who disagreed with this statement. In regards to another question, HR outsourcing gives competitive advantage to the organizations, 88% agreed with this statement, 7% were neutral and only 5% responded disagreed with this statement. From the responses of these two questions it can easily be inferred how HR outsourcing contributes to the development of the organization. Organization attains competitive advantage due to HR outsourcing. Organizations which are involved in HR outsourcing get their HR function done more professionally, 89% of respondents agreed with this statement and only 11% disagreed. HR outsourcing plays vital role in the success of the organization, 53% of the respondents agreed with this statement, 29% were neutral and did choose either side only 8% disagreed with this statement. Though it is emerging concept, most of the HR professionals are not able to differentiate both scenarios. Most of the organizations are moving towards HR outsourcing, 83% respondents agreed it means they have realized the value of the HR outsourcing. Really it is beneficial for the organizations and this is the key success factor for the organizations. Data Validity and Reliability For the collection of data questionnaire was used which was designed according to hypothesis, and nature of information we wanted to ask. All questions were designed in such direction which gave us proper direction towards hypothesis. Secondly, this questionnaire was initially passed through pilot testing process in which any types of problems or errors and unnecessary things were removed that verified authenticity of that questionnaire. Thirdly, this questionnaire was filled by HR professional and they know very well about related field, they were experts and have extensive ideas regarding this field and they responded to the questions based on their deep knowledge and vast experience. As we discussed earlier in this research those respondents were asked to participate who had been working in the organizations for more than five years and they had captured a leading position in their particular department. They were also working in the world class organization,so scope of these peop le was very high their participation in this research gave me a clear picture to draw a better conclusion. Ethical Issues Apart from many issues it is also mandatory for the researcher to take care of ethical issues related with that particular research. As questionnaire that were received from the respondents having confidential data that was unethical to disclose because they provided some personal information and it seemed awkward to deliberately convey others and it also seemed unnecessary that it should be told to any one. All the facts and figures provided by the respondents especially most secrete things were kept as secrete only required thing that were mandatory to analyze has been discussed in this research. One more thing that what ever the result of this research, organizations which use the data for their betterment purpose must take care of one thing that they would not harm their employees. Recommendations In the view of above research it has been recommended to the organizations that HR outsourcing is very important aspect that must be focused. By implementing HR outsourcing most of the organizations availing the benefits of it and others are trying to implement. Few of the organization have not taken any effort to move in this direction. Though the world of business is very dynamic and it is changing rapidly, it has been hard for the most of the organizations to operate in this dynamic world. On each day new products have been introduced in the market and new ideas have been brought in the market. Competition is increasing day by day; every organization is trying to take over other. Businesses are facing very tough competition and it is very hard to respond these daily fluctuations. For the sake of survival, organizations must critically analyze the situation and plan to responds these changes accordingly. If any organization does not take care and it is not worry about what ever is happening in the business world, they may almost go out from the market they do not sustain their competitive positions. As we know HR is key asset of any organization, all physical assets are operated by human resource. Human resource does not have only capability to operate physical assets but it can also bring new ideas by using its analytical skills. If any organization has capable and competent human resource it has an edge to other organization because it can respond well. Capability is bestowed by nature; it does not mean if any one is highly qualified he is capable as well. Any organization that has hired talented human resource it can respond well to the changes occurring in the dynamic business world. HR outsourcing is an emerging concept; most of the organizations have adopted this concept in which organizations get their HR functions done externally. It the light of my research it is strongly recommended that organization must focus to bring changes because it assists them to attain competitive advantage. Those organizations which have not yet considered this fact must focus on it. It would not only save the cost of the organization but it also would help to render the services of highly competent HR professional. As we all know that business world is very dynamic, each day we find new changes in the market. Organizations are striving to introduce innovative and modified products. With the passage of time, necessities of the people have also changed. In order to produce products, offer service according to expectation of customers, organization must hire those people who must be committed and enthusiastic with the organization. So they must go for HR outsourcing for the betterment of their services and to respond the rapidly changes in the market. Conclusion Organization get their human resource function done out side the organization is known as HR outsourcing. With the help of HR outsourcing organization hand over its human resource issues to be resolved by the third party and that third solves all issues related to human resource. With detailed analysis of this research, I have come to this point that HR outsourcing is mandatory for the organizations and gives competitive advantage to the organizations. Finding of this research confirms that though HR outsourcing organizations attain competitive advantage. In this research, respondents who participated were all professional and performing their duties in the leading organizations. Most of the respondents uttered that human resource department plays a vital role in the development of the organizations and really this is the fact because they are the key assets of any organization. All those organization that captured leading positions in the world market, it was due to their expert human resource. In the regard of question whether HR outsourcing is important, many of the respondents positively uttered that it is mandatory and plays most important part in the development of any organization. Because now a days business people know the fact that it is hard to survive in the market until timely actions are not taken. So it can only be possible when they get their HR functions done in professional ways. There would be dual effect of this HR outsourcing, one organization would avail professional guidance at low cost and secondly due to professional capabilities they would try to motivate employees. HR outsourcing increases the work efficiently of the organizations. Productivity of the organizations increases, in view of few questions it was stated that due to competent HR organizations gives better results and perform at expected level. Most of the organizations are now moving to HR outsourcing, there can many reasons behind that. One reason among them can be the tough competition in the market due to that organization has to respond to rapidly changing market. Every day new and improved products or services have been introduced, it has become complex to run the businesses if proper attention is not paid, it has also become matter of survival for the organization thats why efforts are continuously made to bring organization at competition level. Organizations are striving to make changes on daily basis and respond to the external environment accordingly. It is their full effort to pave the way of success. Focus towards HR outsourcing is also one of the parts of this connection. In nut shell, I conclude that organizations attain competitive advantage due to HR outsourcing;they perform better than other organization, and they become successful to attain competitive advantage because they respond the environment quickly if any new change occurs out side the external environment. It increases the productivity of the organizations and they become more efficient. Most of the organizations are now moving towards HR outsourcing because they have realized the importance of HR outsourcing.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
First Amendment And Music Censorship Essay -- Censorship
The First Amendment to the Bill of Rights exists because the Founders of our country understood the importance of free expression. The First Amendment states "Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press . . ." (Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution 17). One of the ways the American people use this freedom of speech and expression is through the creation of the art form known as music. Music's verbal expression bonds our society through our emotions and experiences. This fundamental right of freedom of expression is being threatened by public and governmental groups who believe they have authority to monitor and decide what others should experience. The censorship of music lyrics is a violation of our First Amendment right, and public groups should not be allowed to bypass this right to censor obscene lyrics produced in the music industry. Through the decades, artists such as Elvis Presley, The Beatles, and The Rolling Stones have raised controversy over their seemingly explicit acts that are now viewed as legendary. Parents banned their children from watching Elvis Presley and his outrageous hip movements though today these moves are copied by Britney Spears, pop groups, and dancers all over the world. In 1956, Ed Sullivan deemed Elvis "unfit for a family audience." However, in 1970 Elvis met the President in the Oval Office, and now his face appears on a postage stamp (RIAA; History 2 of 4). On June 15, 1966, The Beatles released their album Yesterday...and Today featuring a shocking cover with the foursome surrounded by raw meat and butchered baby dolls. Immediately the album was withdrawn from music shelves everywhere and returned only with a new approved c... ... something we have not yet discovered. We have seen the objections of yesterday as the legends of today. Now we must stand strong to make our own decisions and see things through our own eyes and touch it with our two hands, because it is through experience and challenge that we all grow and discover new ideas. Works Cited: Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution. 1791 - 1991 The Bill Of Rights and Beyond. Commission on the Bicentennial of the Unites States Constitution, 1990. Duin, Julia. "Warning Labels Don't Keep Kids From Shock CDs." Insight 12 Jan. 1998: 1-2. Hald, Karen. "Music - A Human Right." . Recording Industry Association of America . "Freedom of Speech." Brief History . Recording Industry Association of America. "Parent's Page." Background . Walters, Shari. "About Music for Teens." Parental Advisory Labels . First Amendment And Music Censorship Essay -- Censorship The First Amendment to the Bill of Rights exists because the Founders of our country understood the importance of free expression. The First Amendment states "Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press . . ." (Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution 17). One of the ways the American people use this freedom of speech and expression is through the creation of the art form known as music. Music's verbal expression bonds our society through our emotions and experiences. This fundamental right of freedom of expression is being threatened by public and governmental groups who believe they have authority to monitor and decide what others should experience. The censorship of music lyrics is a violation of our First Amendment right, and public groups should not be allowed to bypass this right to censor obscene lyrics produced in the music industry. Through the decades, artists such as Elvis Presley, The Beatles, and The Rolling Stones have raised controversy over their seemingly explicit acts that are now viewed as legendary. Parents banned their children from watching Elvis Presley and his outrageous hip movements though today these moves are copied by Britney Spears, pop groups, and dancers all over the world. In 1956, Ed Sullivan deemed Elvis "unfit for a family audience." However, in 1970 Elvis met the President in the Oval Office, and now his face appears on a postage stamp (RIAA; History 2 of 4). On June 15, 1966, The Beatles released their album Yesterday...and Today featuring a shocking cover with the foursome surrounded by raw meat and butchered baby dolls. Immediately the album was withdrawn from music shelves everywhere and returned only with a new approved c... ... something we have not yet discovered. We have seen the objections of yesterday as the legends of today. Now we must stand strong to make our own decisions and see things through our own eyes and touch it with our two hands, because it is through experience and challenge that we all grow and discover new ideas. Works Cited: Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution. 1791 - 1991 The Bill Of Rights and Beyond. Commission on the Bicentennial of the Unites States Constitution, 1990. Duin, Julia. "Warning Labels Don't Keep Kids From Shock CDs." Insight 12 Jan. 1998: 1-2. Hald, Karen. "Music - A Human Right." . Recording Industry Association of America . "Freedom of Speech." Brief History . Recording Industry Association of America. "Parent's Page." Background . Walters, Shari. "About Music for Teens." Parental Advisory Labels .
Monday, November 11, 2019
Modern History Germany 1918-1939 Essay
The Weimar Republic was considered weak from the post-war period until 1933. The weaknesses in the Weimar Republic were key to the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party in 1933. Many historians have criticized these weaknesses, saying that the Weimar Republic was always going to fail, due to mismanagement and the lack of experience. These weaknesses include Article 48, which helped Hitler pass the Enabling Act of 1933. The role of President Hindenburg was another weakness of the Weimar Republic as he was able to choose the Chancellor, giving Hitler and the Nazi Party more power. The Hyperinflation Crisis of 1923 is also an example of the weak Weimar Republic. However, the weaknesses of the Weimar Republic was not the only aid to the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party, as there were many external factors, such as the Dawes Plan, linked to the Hyperinflation Crisis of 1923, which exposed Germany to the Great Depression, as well as the Treaty of Versailles, and its many points including Article 231 ââ¬â the war guilt clause. Furthermore, the capitalization of these weaknesses was also a key factor to the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party in 1923. The weaknesses in the Weimar Republic allowed for the Naziââ¬â¢s to gain power through Article 48, where the President is given emergency powers to suspend the Reichstag at a moments notice. After the Reichstag Fire, Hitler convinced Hindenburg to use Article 48, giving Hitler the opportunity to pass the Enabling Act without the majority of the Reichstagââ¬â¢s approval, and banned the Communists. This shows that because of Article 48, Hitler was given legal means of gaining power, and without Article 48, Hitler would have never of became a Dictator of Germany with the rising power given to the Nazi Party. The use of Article 48 also led to the creation of the Enabling Act in 1933. The Enabling Act of 1933 allowed Hitler to gain power as it gave Hitler total control of the Reichstag. Once it was passed with the help of Article 48 on Hindenburgââ¬â¢s account, it gave Hitler the ability of ruling for 4 years unopposed, without having to consult with the Reichstag if he wanted to pass any laws. Hitler used this act to ban all other political parties, giving him no other opponents. Without the help of Article 48, Hitler would not have passed the Enabling Act, and would not of had full control of the Reichstag, citing the rise of power of the Nazi Party in 1933. Because Article 48 gave Hitler the possibility of passing the Enabling Act, the Weimar government is responsible for allowing Hitler to come to power, giving in to the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party in 1933. The role of Hindenburg allowed for Hitlerââ¬â¢s rise to power and growth of the Nazi Party in 1933 because of his right to choose who would be his Chancellor. Hindenburg chose Hitler at the suggestion of Von Papen, an ex-president, who thought that Hindenburg could control him. Hindenburg relented, eventually giving Hitler head of state. Evidently, Hindenburg could not control Hitler as Chancellor, and ended up giving Hitler more control than he should have had, accounting for Hitlerââ¬â¢s rise to power and the growth and prominence of the Nazi Party. The historian K. J. Mason supports the observation that the role of Hindenburg made an error in choosing Hitler as chancellor. He states that ââ¬Å"having been given power, he now had total powerâ⬠¦ within a mere two months of his appointment as chancellorâ⬠¦ achieved his aim, moving from the role of legal chancellor to that of legal dictatorâ⬠, demonstrating that the government system of the Weimar Republic allowed an Autocrat like Hindenburg to decide on a chancellor initially destroys the Weimar Republic, citing a fatal weakness that grants Hitler and the Naziââ¬â¢s more power. What this says about the Weimar Republic is that it was always faulted, giving the president as much power as possible, even giving him the option of choosing his Chancellor. It shouldnââ¬â¢t have been possible for Hindenburg to choose the Chancellor, as it gave him too much power, also giving Hitler the option of more power. The Hyperinflation Crisis of 1923 accounts for the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party in 1933 as the crisis showed that the Weimar government was incapable of leading Germany. This incapability allowed for extremist parties like the Naziââ¬â¢s to be considered as alternatives. This led to the Beer Hall Putsch in Munich, which, evidently, illustrates that without the government mismanagement, the Beer Hall Putsch may have never happened. This shows that because of Government mismanagement, there would not have been civil unrest, which clearly accounts for the rise in popularity and power for Hitler and the Nazi Party. The economic mismanagement of 1923 can then be seen as a predecessor to the effects of the Great Depression of 1929, linking to the Dawes Plan. This shows that the Weimar government did not learn from their mistakes, showing how weak the Weimar government was, having there been two crippling economic issues in the 14 years of the Weimar Republic. The Dawes Plan assisted the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party in 1933 as it led to an explosion of support for the Naziââ¬â¢s. The Dawes Plan brought in loans from the United States of America in order for the German republic to finance its industry, and to finance reparations, but ultimately exposed Germany to the Great Depression. Because it was through the Weimar republic that Germany was exposed to the Great Depression in 1929, there was an explosion in support for the Nazi Party, leading to its growth and rise in power. Richard Evans supports this view, explaining how the Great Depression showed the incapabilityââ¬â¢s and failures of foreign affairs. Evans explains this through the quote: ââ¬Å"as Germany fell deeper into depression, middle class citizens saw the Nazi party as a possible way outâ⬠, explaining how the Great Depression affected the popularity of the Nazi Party, as the civilians saw that the only way to fix Germanyââ¬â¢s economy and falling spirit was to support the Nazi Party. This shows that is the Dawes Plan didnââ¬â¢t exist, Germany wouldnââ¬â¢t have been exposed to the Great Depression, and there wouldnââ¬â¢t have been a rise in the support of the Nazi Party in 1929, and it wouldnââ¬â¢t be accountable for the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party in 1933. The Treaty of Versailles aided the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party in 1933 through Article 231 ââ¬â the War Guilt Clause. The war guilt clause called for reparations to be paid to France and Britain, loss of German territory, for example the Polish Corridor, which divided up Germany and East Germany (Prussia), and caused national humiliation. The Treaty of Versailles indicates that the Weimar Republic was weak as well, because a strong political system would not have accepted such a treaty. The Treaty of Versailles assisted the growth and rise to power of Hitler and the Nazi Party in 1933, as they promised to scrap the Treaty of Versailles. The capitalization of the weaknesses in the Weimar Republic, led to the growth and rises to power of the Nazi Party in 1933, because of the Naziââ¬â¢s constant exploitation of the Weimar Republic and all of its mistakes, using them to its own advantage as well as the manipulation of incidents involving the Reichstag. The Naziââ¬â¢s exploited the Weimar Republicââ¬â¢s mistakes, using the mood of resentment and frustration of the German public toward the failing Republic, promising a revitalization of will and a new beginning for Germany. The main incident that the Naziââ¬â¢s manipulated was the Reichstag Fire, as once a Communist was found inside the wreckage, Hitler used this to his advantage and banned the communists from the Reichstag. The capitalization of the weaknesses involving the Weimar Republic and incidents involving the Reichstag as well as Nazi promises of a new beginning aided the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party in 1933. To summarize, the weaknesses of the Weimar Republic was partially responsible for the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party in 1933, although there are many external factors for the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party. These weaknesses involve Article 48, the Enabling Act, the role of President Hindenburg, the Hyperinflation Crisis of 1923. The external factors include the Treaty of Versailles and Article 231 ââ¬â the War Guilt Clause, the Dawes Plan and the Great Depression, as well as the exploitation of the Weimar Republicââ¬â¢s mistakes as a government and the manipulation of incidents involving the Reichstag, used to the Nazi Partyââ¬â¢s advantage. These points ultimately led to the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party in 1933.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Idaho State University Admissions Requirements
Idaho State University Admissions Requirements Idaho State University Admissions Overview: Idaho State University has open admissionsthis means that any interested students have the opportunity to study there. Still, prospective students will need to submit an application. Those applying can submit an application online, through the schools website, as well as official high school transcripts and scores from the SAT or ACT. Will You Get In? Calculate Your Chances of Getting Inà with this free tool from Cappex Admissions Requirements (2016): Idaho State University has open admissions, but to get assured admissions, students must meet the following requirements: High School GPA: 2.5SAT: 490 Math, 460 Critical ReadingACT: 18 Math, 18 English Students with lower scores can be admitted on condition. Learn more on the Idaho State University website. GPA, SAT and ACT Data for Idaho State (from Sky Conference SAT score comparisonSAT score comparison for Idaho collegesBig Sky Conference ACT score comparisonACT score comparison for Idaho colleges Idaho State University Description: Idaho State University is a public university located in Pocatello, a small city in southeast Idaho. Outdoor lovers will find lots to do in the the northern Rockies hiking, fishing, camping, skiing, boating, and more. On campus, students can choose from close to 300 degree and certificate programs. Nursing is the most popular Bachelors degree program. The university has a 17 to 1 student / faculty ratio, and students come from 59 countries. Student life is active with over 160 clubs and organizations including a small Greek system. In athletics, the Idaho State University Bengals compete in the NCAA Division Ià Big Sky Conference. The university fields 15 intercollegiate teams. Enrollment (2016): Total Enrollment: 12,916à (10,966 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 46% Male / 54% Female60% Full-time Costs (2016- 17): Tuition and Fees: $6,956à (in-state); $21,023 (out-of-state)Books: $1,000 (why so much?)Room and Board: $6,663Other Expenses: $5,921Total Cost: $20,540à (in-state); $34,607 (out-of-state) Idaho State University Financial Aid (2015- 16): Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 85%Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 79%Loans: 49%Average Amount of AidGrants: $6,071Loans: $6,221 Academic Programs: Most Popular Majors:à Business Administration, Elementary Education, Human Resources, Nursing, Psychology, Social WorkWhat major is right for you?à Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Transfer, Retention and Graduation Rates: First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 68%Transfer Out Rate: 23%4-Year Graduation Rate: 11%6-Year Graduation Rate: 28% Intercollegiate Athletic Programs: Mens Sports:à Football, Tennis, Cross Country, Basketball, Track and FieldWomens Sports:à Golf, Volleyball, Track and Field, Basketball, Softball, Tennis, Cross Country, Soccer Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics If You Like Idaho State University, You May Also Like These Schools: Boise State University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphBrigham Young University - Provo: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphEastern Oregon University: Profileà University of Washington - Seattle: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of Arizona: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of Wyoming: Profileà Arizona State University - Tempe: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphMontana State University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphCollege of Idaho: Profileà University of Utah: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of Oregon: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphWashington State University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Save the Rainforests essays
Save the Rainforests essays The destruction of the rainforests is one of the most crucial environmental issues of our time. It is also one of the most misunderstood and neglected. There has been so much propaganda and publicity attached to this crisis that Save the Rainforests is becoming almost as cliche as Save the Whales. Why dont we take this problem more seriously? Is it because we, as Americans, simply dont understand the devastating, long-terms consequences that continued deforestation of the rainforests would have? Is it because our own government is involved in the deforestation, either directly or by financing its development? Or is it because we live in a society of excessive consumption, oblivious to the problems that dont directly affect us in some tangible way? The facts are out there, and the results of continued deforestation of tropical rainforests are very real and becoming more evident everyday. It is a tremendous global concern, one that we can only resolve by popping our protective bubble of ignorance and taking action. Rainforests are the Earths oldest living ecosystems. They cover only about 6% of the Earths land mass, yet they are home to more than half the plant and animal species in the world (de Blig, Muller, 228). A typical four square patch of rainforest contains as many as 1500 species of flowering plants, 750 species of trees, 125 mammal species, 400 species of birds, 100 of reptiles, 60 of amphibians, and 150 different types of butterflies (National Academy of Sciences, 1997). In the Amazon Basin, 18,000 square miles of rainforest is lost per year due to logging, mining, oil drilling, and clearing large tracts of land for cattle ranches and highways. There are dozens of beneficial reasons for protecting this land from deforestation, but I will touch on a two that I feel are particularly critical. Medicine The abundant botanical resources of tropical rainf...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Detail the severity of unemployment in the United States, the Research Paper
Detail the severity of unemployment in the United States, the Administration's response, and one major economic objection to the - Research Paper Example The unemployment statistics have never been as poor as they are today, at least not in decades. In fact, there is a possibility that is far worse than we have been led to believe. The United States unemployment issues is a huge topic be tossed back and forth, by both candidates, in the presidential election. In order to understand the overall unemployment issue it is necessary to grasp what does ââ¬Å"unemploymentâ⬠actually mean to the government? What do the statistics truly reveal about the current unemployment crisis and what has the current administration done to improve or prevent it? Generally speaking one would define ââ¬Å"unemploymentâ⬠as anyone who is not employed. It seems rather self explanatory, and yet the government has a different way of perceiving the concept, as well as, a number of categorizations that make up the statistics. In the eyes of the government an unemployed person is someone who is able to work and has been seeking work within the given mo nth. All of these individuals, 16 years of age and older, will fall into this category and therefore become part the current statistical assessment. It is upon these people that we receive the current, official unemployment rate. That rate, as of August 2012, is stated to be 8.1 percent.("Labor force statistics," 2012) The problem with this percentage is the restrictions on whom they are judging their assessments. They do not include the long-time unemployed who, due the nature of the job market, have given up the search for the, nearly, impossible. They do not include, previously, stay at home mothers or fathers that have, due to the economic crisis, found it necessary to find work but are unable to do so. For this reason, there are many Americans whose unemployment is not being immediately reflected in the above percentage. The government, also, has specific groupings to justify the different categories within unemployment. Natural unemployment reflects literally, the natural acce ptance and level of unemployment which is typical. Frictional unemployment allows for those employees that become unemployed intentionally, transitionally, but have yet to find new employment. Structural unemployment is when the skills of job seekers are not the skills employers are needing. Cyclical unemployment, is not considered a direct part of natural unemployment, it occurs with the success and failures within the business industry. Seasonal employees and ââ¬Å"classicallyâ⬠unemployed are, also, included is separate categories. The Bureau of Labor Statistics assures that all people, in all forms of unemployment are ultimately assessed, but are statistically not included in the official unemployment rate. The unfortunate problem with this system is that it is not providing the overall data all together; if it did then the United States at this moment is closer to 25 percent, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦the same as during the Great Depression.â⬠( Amadeo, 2012) According to the Bur eau of Labor Statistics unemployment was at the lowest it had been in many year in 2007, and the a sudden rise, followed by a continual rise over the last four years, until a sudden, subtle drop in the present year; as seen in the chart below-right.(ââ¬Å"Labor force statistics,â⬠2012) In comparison to other countries it has been It is shocking. In 2002 the United States has the lowest unemployment rate worldwide. By 2010 we were the highest, as seen in the chart above-right, higher than the United Kingdom, Japan and Italy.(Ydstie, 2012) There
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Literature review 8 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words
8 - Literature review Example By addressing issues such as of poverty, microfinance and its impact on and gender/power relations and women's empowerment, this study will attempt to inscribe itself into broader discourses and debates concerning equity and equality, gendered inequalities, power relations, women's economic and social empowerment as they are impacted by microfinance. Saudi Arabia is an undisguised, self-evident patriarchal state; this study aims at investigating the positive and negative implications microfinance bears on the Saudi female clients. By studying the initiative Bab Rizq Jameel (BRJ)1, and examining its underlying principles, rational accomplishments and goals, this study aims to examine its effects on power relations, decision-making and bargaining power in the household. This case study of microfinance in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia aspires to unfold an important and lacking dimension to the current debates surrounding gender and development in developing countries particularly in relat ion to debates surrounding gender equality2 vs. ... There have been continual debates on whether microfinance can be considered as a savior to poverty-stricken women from oppression and gendered inequalities or whether having access to micro-financial resources can empower women economically and socially. ââ¬ËStudies generally suggest the poorest seldom benefit from microcredit, while the middle and upper poor benefit the most (Maclsaac, 1997). This doesnââ¬â¢t apply to the case in Saudi Arabia because the BRJ scheme is a charity-based approach that is Shariââ¬â¢aa compliant (offering interest-free loans). There is a debate between whether microfinance can help promote gender-equality vs. gender equity. (See footnotes 2 & 3 for the difference) In the case of Saudi Arabia, gender equality would be an ideological scenario, given the religious, cultural and traditional framework in which there impoverished women operate. Gender equity is more of an attainable goal in this context. Furthermore, there are heated debates surroundin g the issue of microfinance being regarded a tool to facilitate womenââ¬â¢s empowerment. A recent study in Bangladesh concluded that microfinance politically, ââ¬Ëdoes not directly challenge any official views that subjugate women, nor that any hard evidence was found to prove that microcredit credit promotes empowerment or supports womenââ¬â¢s liberation ââ¬â¢ (Faraizi et al., 2011). This study is particularly useful to this research because in many ways Saudi Arabia shares commonalities with the religious framework in Bangladesh; where Islamists in high positions of power officially subscribe to unequal rights for women. Whereby, any contrasting, disparate voices against the patriarchal dominant voice are silenced. (Faraizi et al., 2011) In the kingdom of
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